Tuesday, November 15, 2005

a note of caution... this video contains blunt and provacative talk about a very sensitive subject.
viewer discretion is advised

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Please check out this website if you are into ambient/minimal/dub techno. This label has some great music on it! So far from what I have explored, I especially like Kollectiv Turmstrasse's "Elemental Pleasures" and also Henri Petterson's "My Space" Thanks to Chris for the link!
Two Thumbs Up

The two of us have been enthusiastically breaking in our dungeon all weekend, but yesterday was the first time we played with a third in our new space. The play partner was cuffed to chains that hang out of our makeshift black plastic drop ceiling and then blindfolded. Josh and I took him on an almost two hour journey of punching, flogging, paddling, and even a bit of fire play with candles and hot wax. Our play date gave us an enthusiastic thumbs up for both the decor and our tandem topping style. Woo hoo.
Bondage on a Budget
"you can do it, we can help!"

Josh and I have been DIY perverts since our mutual interest in BDSM became known early, early, in our relationship. Except for our dildo's, vibrators, and butt plugs, almost everything in our dungeon has either been DIY or handed down to us from other players here in SLC. We've made canes, slappers, floggers, and paddles out of paint sticks, remnants from belts, and tossed out jump ropes. Nothing says "ingenuity and imagination" better than "pervertable convertables" from Thrift Town, Big Lots, and Home Despot. My first collar was a dog's choke collar from the Dollar Store. We get never ending supplies of clothes pins and clamps from The Dollar Store as well. I've already fashioned a sling out of some wood discraded from the last tennants futon bed. Josh re-upholstered a banana chair and flipped it on it's end to create a spanking/fuck bench. Three cheers for bondage on a budget.

The husband and I spent this previous weekend working on a play space for the two of us, (and whomever would/will want to join us) in our basement. After numerous trips to Homo Depot to get all of what we needed- eye bolts, carabingers, black plastic painters cover, lengths and lengths of chain-and begging and borrowing power tools off of our friends and neighbors; we now have about 100 sq feet of dungeon space in our home. The woman who stayed cutting lengths of chain for me until 10 minutes after closing time actually said to me, "so what are you doing, you going to tie up all 16 of your girlfriends up and not let them escape?"
I replied,"Um yeah, not exactly like that, but you're close."
She laughed.

For a little less than $100. We converted a entire basement room into our comfy, cozy, and sacred little dungeon. It has it's space related challenges for sure-Josh is 6'4" and with his mohawk, he's at least 6'7"-the ceiling is 7" so he doesnt have a whole lot of clearance, but then again if the two of us can learn throw a single tail or flogger with proffeciency in this space, we can pretty much do it anywhere.

I'll most likey be updating this post within a day or so with photos as soon as I transfer the files from the camera to the computer. I am a bit disapointed that we did not get "before" pictures to contrast our "after" pictures.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

I've been painting and creating again after a loooong break. I havent smoked p*t in about 8 weeks, and I have always had a hard time turning off the inner critic society without my favorite herbal antidepressant, so I am pretty proud of myself for painting at ALL. Comments? Criticisms? Complaints? Editorials? Posted by Picasa

But then we have adorable kids like this one, the sign reads, "If you can't be right, be loud." On the other side it read, "Only idiots carry signs." His protest against the protestors. I guess there were people down the street from the Pentecostals who were holding signs saying "BAN ARBOR DAY!" just to be discordant and to highlight the ridiculousness of the whole protest. Posted by Picasa

Every year, the Pentecostals (of the God Hates Fags, Reverend Phelps pedigree) "protest" the Mormon Church. It's one of the few times I feel protective of the Mormon's and their right to practice their brand of religion Posted by Picasa

Same kid... right in front of Castle Faggotry... what are the chances? Posted by Picasa

10-1-05 Conference Weekend in SLC... twice a year our little neighborhood fills up with pilgrims from all around the world. These guys were from Idaho and felt like they needed to change clothes in front of our house. One of the perks of living two blocks from the conference center! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Paul 9-22-05 Posted by Picasa
I've been cleaning my (our) room today... I sawed a bookshelf in half so it would be less imposing... I think I must of had crack for breakfast or something. Why is it that everytime I clean my room, it ends up looking like a tornado hit it? Luckily, I'm picking up the pieces, assessing the damage, and it's starting to look normal again. Meanwhile I have been listening to some of these guys; if you haven't heard either of these artists... I highly recommend them.

DJ Benny Benassi
Satisfaction (such a good track!!)
Love is Gonna Save US

and then, because I'm as eclectic as ITunes on Shuffle...

Bright Eyes
The Bottom of Everything
The Perfect Sonnet

Thursday, September 08, 2005

Tag, I'm IT. I was tagged by this fine gentleman (woof)

The list of SE7EN

SE7EN ThInGs iD lIkE To dO beFORe i dIE:
7. Go to a foreign country
6. Have kids (adopted, or bequeathed, or whatever)
5. Jump out of an airplane (with a parachute)
4. See the Earth from Outer Space
3. Get Married
2. go to Burning Man
1. Live within my means

7. give a kick ass massage
6. kiss like no other
5. killer mixed cds
4. make artwork that makes your eyes (and mind) wander/wonder
3. bake a mean cookie
2. take it like a champ
1. laugh

7. understand "PNP"
6. see there is all to see
5. do all there is to do
4. have everything i want (in this lifetime at least)
3. throw in the towel
2. get every guy Im attracted to
1. regret

7. Sense of humor
6. Sincere Humility
5. A Killer Smile
4. Creativity
3. Body hair in all the right spots (bum, legs, chest, arms, stomach)
2. Ability to receive and give bear hugs
1. An ability to go with the flow in all things

7. "I fucking love you so fucking much"
6. "that's cool"
5. "um, whatever"
4. "fuck!"
3. "right on"
2. "niice"
1. "that's hot"

7. Jason Statham
6. Aiden Shaw
5. Bruce Willis
4. Johnny Knoxville
3. Collin Farrell
2. Johnny Lee Miller
1. Henry Rollins

7. Lauren
6. Chris (does this count.. or is that a tagback? I don't know seven bloggers!)
5. Bekka (I don't think this count's either... she hasnt updated in two years
4. Josh
3. Lori
2. serioulsy... I dont think seven people even read this...
1. no.. for real...and I dont even know seven bloggers...

Friday, September 02, 2005

a videoblog about Hurricane Katrina from a survivor...
More info about donating for relief. Give a dollar, give a thousand, give what you can!
more on the incompetency of our administration, it's dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, and some scathing insight... via Lauren's blog..
I have posted a lot of work on DeviantArt... where there are great artist's.. I like a lot of this guy's work. Check him out. Be aware that lots of his photos are sensual in nature and mainly of men... but then again that's why I like it. Buyer beware! Swim at Your Own Risk!

on the more serious side... I really wish I had some way of getting ahold of David Taylor's family... Im concerned about him. I know they live in Macon, Georgia... but how many "Taylor's" are in Macon Georgia?
and now more drag queens... from "Wigstock, The Movie" fame:

Miss Lady Bunny
And now.. here's the site where all of those were from... Bon Appetit

here, Miss Buttefield is talking about um.. i dont know...
here's Betty meeting a Buddhist monk. oh my god... watch it to the very end.
I dont know who Betty Butterfield is... but she is obviously a drag queen from Utah... check her out. I nearly peed!

Thursday, September 01, 2005

from the book Breaking Open The Head, by Daniel Pinchbeck

Modernism caused a profound shift in the way we use our senses. In his book Myth and Meaning, Levi-Strauss admittd to his intial shock when he discovered that Indian tribesmen were able to see the planet Venus in daylight, with the naked eye--"something that to me would be utterly impossible and incredible." But he learned from astronomers that it was feasible, and he found ancient accounts of Western navigators with the same ability. "Today we use less and we use more of our mental capacity than we did in the past," he realized. We have sacrificed perceptual capabilities for other mental abilities- to concentrate on a computer screen while sitting in a cubicle for many hours at a stretch (something those Indians would find "utterly impossible and incredible"), or to shut off multiple levels of awareness aw we drive a car in heavy traffic. In other words, we are brought up within a system that teaches us to postpone, defer, and eliminate most incoming sense data in favor of a future reward. We live in a feedback loop of perpetual postponement. For the most part, we are not even aware of what we have lost.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

So.. man, this sh*t going down in Louisiana is crazy. My friend and ex-boyfriend Dave Taylor moved out there a couple of years ago and we've lost touch. I really hope he's ok. I have been listening to the radio all day and the predictions of the "death of New Orleans" are pretty dire and as the day rolls on.. it only seems to get worse and worse. Stagnant water breeding mosquitoes and West Nile Virus... gasoline and other noxious chemicals speading all over the city. People not geting enough water. It's pretty messed up. I've put a link on my blog to the American Red Cross and to some other blogs with lots of information. Please donate to the Red Cross if you can!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Ok Ok... this is ridiculous. I have abused and tortured this whole "blog thing" for a very long time. This blog is one that I have had since I moved out to SLC and I have written in it perhaps a total of 30 times... in four years... and most of them are silly picture posts or random generated blog poems.

very sad.

I have left that stupid post, about being jealous that my sister went to spain, for like 4 months now and it's time to post something different... just so I dont come across as a self absorbed a**hole anymore. Not that im not a self-obsessed a**hole but I'd rather not come across as one.

My whole relationship with the internet has changed since I started surfing. I dont surf without a destination as much, or hardly at all, like I used to. I use the internet for three things: to check my e-mail, to post art online, and to settle random trivia bets with people. Ok really it's four things. Gay.com (via Chat Client) being the fourth thing and I use gay.com for two things. to meet boys and to get massage clients. (so is that five things?)

Do people just go on random web hunts anymore? I suppose I really use the internet as a research tool. It's not that I dont use it and go places with it.. I suppose my relationship with the internet is something like when MTV first aired and I would sit in front of the TV for hours afraid to miss a new music video.

I am completely impressed with a couple of people's blogs and strangely, they happen to be friends of mine as well. Okay.. Im impressed with LOTS of peoples blogs, but theses are two good ones with very different perspectives... One is by a new friend, Chris, and the other is by an old and dear friend, Lauren.

please read and enjoy.

I have blog-envy... bad. Everyday I feel like i get further and further behind in being on the up and up with software. I hardly know what all the alphabet soup abbreviations are anymore and that's something that I used to be pretty good at. I suppose this is something all of us will go through at some point or another. The amount of money and time it takes to be a trend setter in the software world is pretty ridiculous.

I will be housesitting/babysitting (tweensitting? they are twin twelve year olds) with Josh for a couple of friends over the next ten days while they go to Burning Man. I will have tons of time to hang out and read, surf, paint, draw, etc. while I am there. Josh and I will be sitting in the hottub and looking up at the stars while our friends are doing the same on the playa out in Nevada. We are looking at it as a chance to go on a "working vacation" and spend some real quality time with each other while the girls are in school.

woo hoo!

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Ok, how selfish and self-absorbed can i be? I'm reading my sister's posts about Spain and actually getting ANGRY and depressed over it instead of ecstatically happy for her because she is having a great time in another country. My inner-whiner is just out of control tonight. Josh just asked me to turn down the music on the computer and I wanted to bark something at him... just because Im annoyed and frustrated. I need to take a "chill pill" (did I just say chill pill?) and go home. The idea of my sister running around in a foreign country brings up some very sensitive subjects for me. The main one being that I feel very ineffective right now. I would love nothing MORE than to be gallavanting around a foreign country and meeting new people and trying new things. Im stuck in a job and a routine that has me just running in place on a treadmill that is going slightly faster than I can match so Im slowly losing ground. (can you lose ground on a treadmill? 'cause somehow, Im doing it.) The gulf between me and financial solvency is getting and wider and wider as the days go on. The days FLY by as I do the same routines over and over again. SIGH.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

I have a page of more of my artwork on this fabulous site, deviantart.com: www.plablo7.deviantart.com. Josh's work is also up on that site at: www.joshmacabre.deviantart.com

check them out and tell me what you think!


Monday, April 18, 2005

they make excellent backgrounds for your computer...  Posted by Hello

these are designs of mine... done on a Photoshop type editing program Posted by Hello

My tattoo drawing...scanned and edited in Picasa Posted by Hello

another version Posted by Hello

this is an old picture that i tweaked in Photoshop and then ran some additional effects on Picasa... whaddya think? Posted by Hello

Friday, April 08, 2005

Josh at the same Fetish night... he's sooo cute. Posted by Hello

Thursday, April 07, 2005

more of 161 Posted by Hello

from Fetish night at CLub 161... Josh and I run this little freak show on Monday nights... it's a lot of fun. This is from Wax Play & Clamping night Posted by Hello

Bella Posted by Hello

The dog, at 1 year. Posted by Hello

me, today. Posted by Hello

Me, today Posted by Hello

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Da Vinci's drawing of a fetus... that I tweaked... I'm into pink right now... Posted by Hello

Me @ The Pie 09/04 Posted by Hello

Friday, March 25, 2005

yes, I am the benevolent mother goddess... Posted by Hello

Me and my boy... sigh...  Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 24, 2005

From The Village Voice article: http://www.villagevoice.com/nyclife/0512,hampton,62296,15.html Posted by Hello